
Pitman’s daughter.

Hand-stitched collage from things Londoners discard.

No wearable clothes or readable books are ever harmed in the process.

Nothing printed (by me).

Every effort is made to credit illustrators, journalists and photographers.

Tictail shop and Folksy shop.

I’m on on Instagram and Twitter.


100 thoughts on “About

  1. Thanks for your like on my blog. When I first saw it I thought it said “alisons eye,” which is also a good name for an artist’s blog 🙂

  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I popped by out of curiosity and fell in love with your work instantly. ♥ I come from family of wombles and hoarders myself, and it always makes me smile when I see people reusing perfectly good things that others sadly let go to waste.

  3. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post! So nice to meet you Alison, I hope to get to know you and your art better. I will be painting a canvas later today for one of our bathrooms. I have brought back out the paint brush, =)

  4. Hi!

    I have nominated you for The Liebster Award, I got random nominated as well, but thought I would give it a go, because today is the day to take a chance.

    The world is a better place if we know our neighbours (even virtual ones!) so here we go!

    I have nominated you because I follow your blog! So tell the world something about you, and pass it on!

    • Thank you for the nomination.

      The last thing I want to do is offend you, but, as you can see, I say in my about section (above) that I would rather not receive awards. I have enough trouble finding the time to write posts.

      I wish you well with your blog, and say again that I hope I haven’t offended you.

    • Recentlyish moved from Lewisham to Bromley. I’m originally from the north, been here 27 years. Started in Camberwell, moved around various parts of South-East London, my favourite being Hither Green. Nice to meet you.

      • Hi Alison – one of us (M) is from from Bromley – spent 23 years there so know it well. We note that the work of photographer John Hinde turns up in many of your pieces. Back in the early 70s, M’s mother went to buy some sausages (Kennedy’s at the Market Square, alas, gone) and spotted a calendar on the wall. In it was a photograph of M’s brother (aged about nine) that John Hinde had taken a few years earlier. M’s mother recalled how a man had asked to take a picture of my brother sitting at the harbour’s edge at St Helier. My brother was wearing a red jumper which as you may know, was one of Hinde’s trademark inclusions in his photographs. The fact M’s mother randomly stumbled on the picture, while out shopping in Bromley, was quite strange. The calendar has been lost since – but if you ever see one (from around 1968/69) let us know!

      • How exciting! Dr. Watson and I accept the case. It may take years, but I am pretty confident that at some point in my life I will come across this picture. I have noted the details. If I was that butcher I would’ve taken M’s mother’s details and given her the picture at the end of the year 🙂

  5. Thanks for following my new blog Alison. I love fabric art. Some day soon I will put up a post about
    “arpilleras” , fabric art, usually created by a group , to tell a story.

    • Yes, thank you Carla, I always (I think) put it on posts where the items are for sale. It was kind of you to mention that. Good idea to put in on my about section, though, I didn’t think of that. Will get onto it.

  6. Hello, thanks for visiting my blog and Liking me. I Like you right back! I’m enjoying your work too. Makes me a bit nostalgic for London, but not enough to move back from Australia! KC

  7. Hello there, thank you for following my blog, I’m so glad it gave me the opportunity of seeing your artwork. Pleased to see your post today about Pat Hutchins and find out more about her. I’d not come across her before, until I found a small book called Rosie’s Walk (basically Rosie the hen being followed on her walk by Mr Fox trying to pounce her – she gets away, phew) from a ‘mini treasures’ series at a jumble sale recently. I love the seemingly simple lines of her illustrations that also manage to convey so much expression on the animals faces, they make me smile.

  8. I don’t normally do this award thing but wanted to nominate you for ‘The Sunshine Award’…. as do a lot of others by the look of it! Your blog posts are always so colourful and creative – cheers me up on a rainy day. If you want to accept it then just go to my blog and follow the questions…. if not, just take this as a nod of appreciation 😉

  9. Hey Alison, just messaging to make you aware of my competition, I really value everyone who decided to follow my blog (there may be one or two I fear who just spilt coffee on themselves and accidentally clicked the button.. but I’m still taking it as a win). I need help deciding which poems to perform in the next month or two and I’d really value your opinion.

    Stay Well – Mart

      • I know, one starts getting antsy if there’s nothing much to post about, a situation I’m currently in, with several projects on the go and not much visible forward progress! But on the plus side, it does keep you working on things…

  10. Hi Alison….I’m saving your pages for when I can happily stay awhile and mosey around. I’m also a life long scavenger and treasure hunter…often with a needle and thread in my fingers or some glue and scissors. It came down to me this way and I’ve passed it on. Good to meet you!…..Jana

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